Click the images below, save and share! Be sure to tag the festival, using the social accounts linked below!
Need a shopping list for your classroom media creation tools? We've got you covered!
Here's a "how-to" for grades 6-12 from Discovery Education and the Country Music Awards on how to create your own Student Awards Ceremony!
Digital Citizenship is a timely and much-needed response to California and federal mandates. The California School Library Association (CSLA) sponsors this online course for educators and their K-12 students. Lead developer is Dr. Lesley Farmer.
These materials aim to provide accessible and practical information about copyright – its protections, its limitations, and its role in encouraging creativity. Rather than just emphasizing what copyright prohibits, the goal here is to offer useful and positive information about what copyright allows and how students can successfully navigate and rely on copyright in their own roles as creators.
Our interdisciplinary stories & lesson plans highlight universal themes with a humanistic lens.

Have students recreate their favorite movie trailer to create ​the best, worst remake!

Use this lesson to get students thinking about cinematography quickly and in the context of making things.

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Getting Started Flipgrid for Educators
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Check out this training video from multimedia instructor Don Goble to help you implement this project.